Monday, August 19, 2013

Music Education In Media

 The use of music as a medium of learning that makes the learning process to be fun and not boring. Music can balance the intellectual and emotional intelligence that will give good results for students. Besides music also affects physiological conditions. Physiological conditions that will evoke the spirit of the students relaxed in following the process of learning. Relaxation is accompanied by the music makes the mind is always ready and able to concentrate better in lessons received. The music is most helpful in the learning process is baroque music. Baroque music using the typical knock-knock and patterns that automatically synchronize body and mind of students. In addition there are said to be capable of classical music for the balance between the right brain or left brain called the intellectual with the emotional intelligence of students. Students who have obtained early music education, will grow up to be men who have logical thinking, intelligent, creative, able to make decisions as well as possess empathy.
Keywords: music; process; learning; media; influence; students.

Organ that plays an important role in the learning process is the brain. The left hemisphere of the brain plays an important role in the learning activities. Both hemispheres optimally developed and balanced so that learning can be run optimally. In the learning needs megharmoniskan work and left brain right brain students to use music as a medium of learning.
No music of all time, whenever wherever music is always there in life. This is because music can have a positive impact to the listener. In general, the music cause vibration, the vibration of the eardrum causing auditory stimulation. Stimulation was transmitted central nervous system conditions (imbic system) in the brain which is the central storehouse of memory and everything hypothalaus or nodes to associate music with certain responses.

The use of music in teaching media will certainly have a positive impact on the learning process. That's because music is one way to stimulate the mind, so that students can receive course material well. In addition to stimulating the mind, music can also improve concentration, memory, improve aspects of cognitive, physiological, and emotional intelligence. Music affects students' feelings that will affect the learning process. Music should not always be so that the learning process can take place but the music can make the learning process more fun and not boring.
A study conducted by George Lozanov prove that the music was also very useful in the process pembalajaran and give better results. Leanov develop methods to speed up the language training through suggestibility, relaxation, and music at the University of California at Irvie, the researchers found that students who listened to Mozart before tested kemampuannaya special information processing, reaching number 8 and 9 points higher than those who listen to the recorded message verbal relaxation.


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Why music can be used as a medium of learning because music can stimulate the intellect. Intelligence are as follows:
  1. Music can stimulate brain function means that music provides stimulation of growth functions in the brain memory function for learning, for berbahas, listening and speaking, as well as analysis, intellect, and function of consciousness. Music can also stimulate the growth of the memory.
  2. Stimulating the brain is not physically here means that the music will improve the physical condition of the brain but the physical condition of the brain that better enables seserang learn music.
  3. Improve cognitive function enables music means to think, remember, analyze, learn and generally perform higher mental activity.
  4. Stimulate the process of associative meaning of music can be a stimulant that can generate students to recall emotional experiences in childhood.
  5. Stimulate rekognitif (known back) means the auditory nerve sends the music signals to the brain to recognize the music back. If the students had heard the music before, then the student will provide a response to something that never happened.
  6. Music music means to expand its memory able to generate individual to call back the other data because of the associative process. Music is data that also serves as a stimulator to call back another memory.
  7. Music means to stimulate language development is often used to help students to be more capable of learning language.
  8. Stimulate your mind means rhythmic music with a rhythm train motor coordination, learning and understanding music is a process of learning to understand rhythm.

Both types of music are used to study media as has been described above is the kind of slightly baroque music. According to the invention of music Dr.Lozanov most helpful for learning media is baroque music such as Bach, Handel, Pachelbel, and Vivaldi. The kompiser using highly distinctive beats and patterns automatically synchronize body and mind, the influence of baroque music was not limited to humans. To enter information, do not use music that contain these words. Use music as needed. For information entry, use of music with a tempo of 55-70 beats per minute. For discussion or brainstorming task using the output using a more active music with 100-149 beats per minute tempo. In addition there are other types of music that can assist in the learning process:
  1. Classical music, classical music stimulates the complexity of the complexity of the brain. Besides classical music is also able to balance between the right brain or left brain called the intellectual with the emotional intelligence of students. Like music by Mozart
  2. Nature Sound Music, an integrative form of classical music with the sounds of nature. Such as the composition of baroque music accompanied with background noise or splashing water in rough seas.
  3. Scripture, scripture readings musically can give peace to listen to it so as to realize a relaxed but able to concentrate to accept the lesson.
  4. By using special music, then we can do the work tiring, hard work to relax and keep concentrating so hard work will be lighter.

               The benefits of using music to help the learning process, namely:
  1. Music will make students relax and reduce the stress that will hinder the learning process.
  2. Stimulating creativity and thinking skills so that students can obtain better results.
  3. Help creativity by bringing the brain to tertentiu wave.
  4. Stimulate interest in reading, vocabulary and motor keterampilamn.
  5. Very effective for the learning process that involves the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

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