Sunday, September 1, 2013

Ustadz Solmed : Selon Habib Not Know Solmed Have a Gun

Selon Habib, chairman of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Jakarta, pleaded not Ever hear directly challenge Ustadz Solmed using a gun. He can only hear from other FPI members

"When challenged with a firearm, I have not heard from her mouth Solmed. But from the mouth of many colleagues who report to me he said, want to shoot me," Habib said while talking over the phone ..

Habib Selon also claimed to have never seen a gun directly owned Solmed, as told colleagues at FPI.

"But until now I have never seen Ane whose name he had a firearm," he said.

Earlier, Secretary of the Council (DPD) of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Jakarta, Ustadz H. Novel Bamu'min said Habib Selon Solmed want to shoot with a gun he had bought for Rp 25 million.

It's incredible, natural problem in this solmed cleric, as has been falling down the stairs. not stopping constantly blasphemies to him.

who is right. And who is wrong
